NeoVoc hierarchy of Lexical Innovation Processes
From eneoli wikibase
Hierarchy of Lexical Innovation Processes in NeoVoc
(descriptive text, hierarchy builds on Sableyrolles...)
All NeoVoc concepts describe either (a) kinds of Lexical Innovation Processes, or (b), results of Lexical Innovation. That is, each of them should be linked either to (a subclass of) Lexical Innovation Process, or to Lexical Innovation Result, using the property subclass of (P4).
Database queries
Subclasses (kinds of) "lexical innovation process"
#title: Subclasses (kinds of) "lexical innovation process"
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>
?subject ?subjectLabel ?object ?objectLabel
where {
# bind(enwb:P4 as ?edge)
?subject endp:P5 enwb:Q12; endp:P4* enwb:Q1731; endp:P4 ?object.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Lexical innovation PROCESS or RESULT?
#title: NeoVoc concepts: lexical innovation PROCESS or RESULT?
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>
?concept ?wd ?label_en ?label_fr ?typeLabel ?class ?classLabel
where { values ?type {enwb:Q1731 enwb:Q1732}
?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
?concept endp:P4+ ?type.
?concept endp:P4 ?class.
optional {?concept endp:P1 ?wd.}
?concept rdfs:label ?label_en. filter(lang(?label_en)="en")
?concept rdfs:label ?label_fr. filter(lang(?label_fr)="fr")
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} order by ?label_en ?type
Concepts without classification as lexical innovation process or result
These concepts still need a subclass of statement pointing to either to (a subclass of) Lexical Innovation Process, or to Lexical Innovation Result.
#title: NeoVoc concepts with missing classification as PROCESS or RESULT
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>
select distinct
?concept ?label_en ?desc_en ?label_fr ?desc_fr
where { values ?type {enwb:Q1731 enwb:Q1732}
?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
filter not exists {?concept endp:P4+ ?type.}
?concept rdfs:label ?label_en. filter(lang(?label_en)="en")
?concept rdfs:label ?label_fr. filter(lang(?label_fr)="fr")
optional{?concept schema:description ?desc_en. filter(lang(?desc_en)="en")}
optional{?concept schema:description ?desc_fr. filter(lang(?desc_fr)="fr")}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} order by ?label_en ?type
Concepts classified as lexical innovation process, and concepts describing the corresponding results
#title: NeoVoc concepts: lexical innovation PROCESSes and their RESULTs
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>
?process ?processLabel ?processTypeLabel ?result ?resultLabel
where {
?process endp:P5 enwb:Q12; endp:P4 ?processType; endp:P69 ?result. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,fr". }
Concepts classified as lexical innovation process, missing a link to the corresponding result concept
#title: NeoVoc concepts: lexical innovation PROCESS without corresponding RESULT
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>
?process ?processLabel ?processTypeLabel
where {
?process endp:P5 enwb:Q12; endp:P4 ?processType; endp:P4+ enwb:Q1731.
filter not exists {?narrower endp:P4 ?process.}
filter not exists {?process endp:P69 ?result.}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,fr". }