NeoVoc for FAIRterm
From eneoli wikibase
NeoVoc for FAIRterm 2.0
Here, the research question is the following: Is a straightforward conversion of the NeoVoc glossary to TBX format doable?
Our approach is the following: With a SPARQL query, we get the NeoVoc content in a tabular format which can be uploaded to FAIRterm 2.0, where it can be viewed, potentially edited, and downloaded as TBX 3.0 XML.
The classification of NeoVoc terms as subclasses of lexical innovation processes (e.g. "abbreviation" is subclass of "form reduction") is, on Wikibase, implemented using the property P4 "subclass of", and on FAIRterm using the generic relation.
Unsolved issues:
- Concept relations other than "specific/generic concept" (generic relation) and "partitive/comprehensive concept" (partitive relation), which are the hierarchical relations built into FAIRterm 2.0. Other relations present in NeoVoc are the following:
- The associative relation of type cause-effect "has result". This relation points from lexical innovation processes to lexical innovation results, for example, Q1303 has result Q1082.
- Lexical relations (relations pointing from one lexical entry to another), for example:
- "combines lexeme" (points from polylexical units to its monolexical components)
- "derived from lexeme" (includes translingual borrowings and intralingual derivations in lexical innovation processes)
SPARQL queries
All NeoVoc concepts for export to FAIRterm 2.0
#title: All NeoVoc concepts as CSV to be uploaded to FAIRterm.
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>
PREFIX enpr: <>
PREFIX enno: <>
select ?concept_id ?subject_field ?subdomain ?generic_concept ?specific_concept ?comprehensive_concept ?partitive_concept
?language_id ?definition ?externalCrossReferenceLanguage ?sourceLanguage ?notesLanguage ?term_id ?designation ?usage ?part_of_speech ?grammatical_gender
?grammatical_number ?type ?context ?externalCrossReferenceTerm ?sourceTerm ?register ?collocation ?notesTerm
where {
?concept_id endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
optional {?concept_id endp:P68 [rdfs:label ?subdomain]. filter(lang(?subdomain)="en")}
optional {?concept_id endp:P4 ?generic_concept.}
optional {?concept_id schema:description ?definition. filter(lang(?definition) = ?language_id)}
?concept_id enp:P57 [enps:P57 ?designation; enpq:P63 ?term]. bind(lang(?designation) as ?language_id)
bind(iri(concat(str(enwb:),strbefore(?term,"-"))) as ?lexeme_id)
bind(iri(concat(str(enwb:),?term,"-")) as ?term_id)
?lexeme_id wikibase:lexicalCategory [rdfs:label ?part_of_speech]. filter(lang(?part_of_speech)="en")
optional {?lexeme_id endp:P79 [rdfs:label ?grammatical_gender]. filter(lang(?grammatical_gender)="en")}
bind("32 - EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATIONS" as ?subject_field)