NeoVoc domains

From eneoli wikibase

NeoVoc domains

The systematisation of NeoVoc domains builds on Sablayrolles & Pruvost's framework (2016 ) through a bottom-up approach, i.e. - from lexical innovation results to lexical innovation processes, in a total of 15 concepts. The domain of the remaining concepts is inferred from the glosses provided by the ENEOLI experts.

Database queries

NeoVoc domains

This query lists all NeoVoc domains (instance of "NeoVoc domain")

#title: NeoVoc domains

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

?domain ?domainLabel

where {
  ?domain endp:P5 enwb:Q1726.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?domain ?domainLabel

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NeoVoc domains and concepts assigned to them

This query lists domains assigned (via "has domain" property P68) to concepts, and English (and French) designations

#title: NeoVoc domains and concepts assigned to them, including narrower concepts (linked via P4 to the concept annotated with the domain)

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

?domain ?domainLabel (group_concat(distinct ?concept_label; SEPARATOR=", ") as ?concepts)

where {
  ?broadest endp:P68 ?domain.
  ?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12; endp:P4* ?broadest. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
  ?concept rdfs:label ?label_en. filter(lang(?label_en)="en")
  ?concept rdfs:label ?label_fr. filter(lang(?label_fr)="fr")
  bind(concat(str(?label_en)," (",str(?label_fr),")") as ?concept_label)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?domain ?domainLabel ?concepts

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NeoVoc domains: How many concepts are assigned to them?

Domains and number of concepts assigned to them (via "has domain" property P68)

#title: NeoVoc domains and concepts assigned to them

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

?domain ?domainLabel (count(?concept) as ?concepts)

where {
  ?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
  optional {?concept endp:P1 ?wd.}
  ?concept endp:P68 ?domain.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?domain ?domainLabel ?concepts order by desc(?concepts)

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