NeoVoc domains
From eneoli wikibase
NeoVoc domains
(descriptive text: according to Sableyrolles, etc.)
Database queries
NeoVoc domains
This query lists all NeoVoc domains (instance of "NeoVoc domain")
#title: NeoVoc domains
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
?domain ?domainLabel
where {
?domain endp:P5 enwb:Q1726.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?domain ?domainLabel
NeoVoc domains and concepts assigned to them
This query lists domains assigned (via "has domain" property P68) to concepts, and English (and French) designations
#title: NeoVoc domains and concepts assigned to them, including narrower concepts (linked via P4 to the concept annotated with the domain)
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
?domain ?domainLabel (group_concat(distinct ?concept_label; SEPARATOR=", ") as ?concepts)
where {
?broadest endp:P68 ?domain.
?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12; endp:P4* ?broadest. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
?concept rdfs:label ?label_en. filter(lang(?label_en)="en")
?concept rdfs:label ?label_fr. filter(lang(?label_fr)="fr")
bind(concat(str(?label_en)," (",str(?label_fr),")") as ?concept_label)
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?domain ?domainLabel ?concepts
NeoVoc domains: How many concepts are assigned to them?
Domains and number of concepts assigned to them (via "has domain" property P68)
#title: NeoVoc domains and concepts assigned to them
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
?domain ?domainLabel (count(?concept) as ?concepts)
where {
?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
optional {?concept endp:P1 ?wd.}
?concept endp:P68 ?domain.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?domain ?domainLabel ?concepts order by desc(?concepts)