
From eneoli wikibase

NeoVoc, a multilingual vocabulary of Neology

SPARQL queries

All NeoVoc concept entries

#title: All NeoVoc concepts with labels in your browser's language (with English or French as fallback), and English and French descriptions.

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?concept ?conceptLabel (iri(concat(str(wd:),?wd)) as ?wikidata) ?descript_en ?descript_fr
where { 
  ?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
  optional {?concept endp:P1 ?wd.}
  optional {?concept schema:description ?descript_en. filter(lang(?descript_en)="en")}
  optional {?concept schema:description ?descript_fr. filter(lang(?descript_fr)="fr")}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,fr". }

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All NeoVoc concept CANDIDATE entries

This query lists concepts that have come in from Task 1.1 ("instance of NeoVoc candidate concept"), i.e., that still do not have been declared "instance of NeoVoc Concept".

#title: All NeoVoc candidate concepts with labels in your browser's language (with English or French as fallback), and English and French descriptions.

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?concept ?conceptLabel (iri(concat(str(wd:),?wd)) as ?wikidata) ?descript_en ?descript_fr
where { 
  ?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q14. # instances of "NeoVoc candidate Concept"
  optional {?concept endp:P1 ?wd.}
  optional {?concept schema:description ?descript_en. filter(lang(?descript_en)="en")}
  optional {?concept schema:description ?descript_fr. filter(lang(?descript_fr)="fr")}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,fr". }

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All NeoVoc lexical entries

#title: All NeoVoc lexical entries with linked concept nodes

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?lexical_entry (lang(?lemma) as ?lang) ?lemma ?sense ?concept ?conceptLabel (iri(concat(str(wd:),?wd)) as ?wikidata) ?descript_en ?descript_fr
where { 
  ?lexical_entry endp:P5 enwb:Q13; wikibase:lemma ?lemma; ontolex:sense ?sense.
  optional {?sense endp:P12 ?concept.
  optional {?concept endp:P1 ?wd.}
  optional {?concept schema:description ?descript_en. filter(lang(?descript_en)="en")}
  optional {?concept schema:description ?descript_fr. filter(lang(?descript_fr)="fr")}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,fr". }}

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NeoVoc lexical entries: occurrences in NeoCorpus articles

#title: NeoVoc lexical entry lemmata, and in how many articles they occur

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?lexical_entry (lang(?lemma) as ?lang) ?lemma (count(?bib_item) as ?in_how_many_articles)
where { 
  ?lexical_entry endp:P5 enwb:Q13; wikibase:lemma ?lemma.
  ?bib_item endp:P65 ?lexical_entry.
} group by ?lexical_entry ?lang ?lemma order by desc(?in_how_many_articles)

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Authors and the NeoVoc terms they use

#title: Authors, and the terms that occur in their texts

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?author ?authorname (group_concat(distinct str(?lemma);SEPARATOR=", ") as ?terms) # (count(?bib_item) as ?in_how_many_articles) (lang(?lemma) as ?lang)
where { 
  ?lexical_entry wikibase:lemma ?lemma.
  ?bib_item endp:P40 ?author; 
            endp:P65 ?lexical_entry.
  ?author rdfs:label ?authorname. filter(lang(?authorname)="en")
} group by ?author ?authorname ?terms  order by ?authorname

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Authors, and in how many of their articles NeoVoc terms appear

#title: Authors, and in how many of their articles NeoVoc terms appear

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>
PREFIX enpr: <>
PREFIX enno: <>

select ?author ?lastname ?authorLabel (group_concat(distinct ?lang;SEPARATOR=", ") as ?language) (group_concat(distinct concat(str(?lemma)," (",str(?count),")");SEPARATOR=", ") as ?terms) # (count(?bib_item) as ?in_how_many_articles) (lang(?lemma) as ?lang)
where { 
  ?author endp:P52 ?lastname.
 { SELECT ?author ?lang ?lemma (count(?bib_item) as ?count)
                    where {
    ?bib_item endp:P40 ?author; endp:P7 [rdfs:label ?lang]. filter (lang(?lang)="en")
    ?bib_item endp:P65 [wikibase:lemma ?lemma].
                          } group by ?author ?lang ?lemma ?count order by ?count desc(lcase(str(?lemma)))
 } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,de,fr,pt". }
} group by ?author ?lastname ?authorLabel ?langauge ?terms  order by ?lastname

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All articles that contain terms denoting one concept

#title: All articles that contain terms denoting one concept, here: "Q976" Neologism

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?concept ?conceptLabel ?article ?articleLabel ?article_languageLabel
where { bind(enwb:Q976 as ?concept) # change "Q976" for another concept
  ?article endp:P5 enwb:Q2; endp:P7 ?article_language; endp:P65 [ontolex:sense [endp:P12 enwb:Q976]]. 
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

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Coverage of NeoVoc concepts with multilingual equivalents

All existing equivalents

First, we define multilingual equivalents for the concepts; we do this in the concept entry. Lexical entries will be created after that. This query shows the progress in covering NeoVoc with multilingual equivalents.

#title:Number of equivalents present in NeoVoc concept entries (including unvalidated equivalents)

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>

select ?language (count(?concept) as ?equivalents) 

where {
  ?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
  ?concept endp:P57 ?equiv.
  bind (lang(?equiv) as ?language)
} group by ?language ?equivalents order by desc(?equivalents)

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Validated equivalents

The following query shows the coverage of concept entries with equivalents in different languages, but counting only those that have been validated (i.e., where a "validated by" qualifier has been attached to the equivalent).

#title:Number of equivalents present in NeoVoc concept entries (validated equivalents only)

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>

select ?language (count(?equiv_st) as ?equivalents) 

where {
  ?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
  ?concept enp:P57 ?equiv_st. ?equiv_st enps:P57 ?equiv. ?equiv_st enpq:P64 [rdfs:label ?validator]. filter(lang(?validator)="en")
  bind (lang(?equiv) as ?language)
} group by ?language ?equivalents order by desc(?equivalents)

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Validation statistics

This query lists how many multilingual equivalents have been validated by each validator.

#title:Number of equivalents validated (equivalents with a "validated by" P64 qualifier pointing to an entity describing a person)

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>

select ?validator_entity ?validator (count(?equiv_st) as ?validated_equivalents) 

where {
  ?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
  ?concept enp:P57 ?equiv_st. ?equiv_st enps:P57 ?equiv. 
  ?equiv_st enpq:P64 ?validator_entity.
  ?validator_entity rdfs:label ?validator. filter(lang(?validator)="en")
} group by ?validator_entity ?validator order by desc(?validated_equivalents)

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This query lists which equivalents have been validated by each validator

#title:Lists of equivalents with a "validated by" P64 qualifier pointing to an entity describing a person

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>

select ?validator_entity (sample(?validator) as ?validator_name) (group_concat(distinct concat('"',str(?equiv),'"@',lang(?equiv))) as ?validated_equivalents) 

where {
  ?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
  ?concept enp:P57 ?equiv_st. ?equiv_st enps:P57 ?equiv. 
  ?equiv_st enpq:P64 ?validator_entity.
  ?validator_entity rdfs:label ?validator. 
} group by ?validator_entity ?validator_name ?validated_equivalents

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Concept candidates

Concept candidates on this Wikibase (stemming from Task 1.1) are listed using the following query. They are still not part of NeoVoc (i.e. not instance of NeoVoc concept. Instead they are instance of NeoVoc candidate concept.

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select *

where {
  ?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q14; rdfs:label ?fr_label.
  ?concept endp:P71 ?termhood. 
  optional {?concept endp:P1 ?wd.}}
order by desc(xsd:integer(?termhood))

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Checks for inconsistencies

Is there any mismatching equivalent-to-lexemesense link?

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>

select ?concept ?equiv_st ?equiv_mylang ?descript_mylang (iri(concat(str(wd:),?wd)) as ?wikidata) ?from_sense ?from_lemma ?to_sense

where {
  ?concept endp:P5 enwb:Q12. # instances of "NeoVoc Concept"
  optional {?concept endp:P1 ?wd.}

  ?concept enp:P57 ?equiv_st. ?equiv_st enps:P57 ?equiv_mylang.
  filter not exists {?equiv_st enpq:P58 ?warning.} # no warning
  ?equiv_st enpq:P64 ?validator. # has been validated.
  ?equiv_st enpq:P63 ?to_sense. # equivalent is linked to some sense.
  bind(iri(concat(str(enwb:),?to_sense)) as ?from_sense)
  ?lexeme ontolex:sense ?from_sense; wikibase:lemma ?from_lemma.
  filter (?from_lemma != ?equiv_mylang)
  ?from_sense endp:P12 ?concept. # from no lexeme sense of that language there is a link to this equivalent
  optional {} # is there a lexeme sense already linked from this concept (for the mylang language)?
  optional {?concept schema:description ?descript_mylang. filter(lang(?descript_mylang)=lang(?equiv_mylang))}	
} order by lcase(?equiv_mylang)

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Is there any linked lexeme sense not linked back from the equivalent?

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>
PREFIX enp: <>
PREFIX enps: <>
PREFIX enpq: <>

select ?lexeme ?lemma ?sense_id ?equiv

where {
  ?lexeme ontolex:sense ?sense; wikibase:lemma ?lemma.
  ?sense endp:P12 ?concept.
  ?concept enp:P57 ?equiv_st. ?equiv_st enps:P57 ?equiv.
  filter(?lemma = ?equiv)
  bind(strafter(str(?sense),str(enwb:)) as ?sense_id)
   filter not exists {
     ?equiv_st enpq:P63 ?sense_id.

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