derivation (Q1120)

From eneoli wikibase
process or result of forming a new word on the basis of an existing one
Language Label Description Also known as
process or result of forming a new word on the basis of an existing one


    0 references
    словообразуване (Bulgarian)
    from Wikidata
    0 references
    derivation (English)
    0 references
    0 references
    Derivation (German)
    The French meaning seems to be more restricted than the German use. The definition given for French here is the one we would apply to "explizite Derivation"; we also distinguish "implizite Derivation" (with Ablaut) and "Konversion" (conversion without affixes) as subtypes of "derivation".
    1 reference
    processo de construção de palavras no qual intervém apenas um radical derivante ou base, isto é, apenas uma unidade de significado lexical (cf. composição). Tipicamente, na derivação intervêm afixos (prefixação, sufixação, parassíntese), mas há casos em que tal não acontece (derivação regressiva, derivação imprópria ou conversão)
    morfologinė žodžių daryba (Lithuanian)
    0 references
    0 references
    türetme (Turkish)
    from Wikidata
    0 references
    словоскладання (Ukrainian)
    Svitlana Romaniuk
    0 references
    збороизведување (Macedonian)
    from Wikidata
    0 references
    szóképzés (Hungarian)
    from Wikidata
    0 references
    afleiding (Dutch)
    from Wikidata
    0 references
    0 references
    vārdu atvasināšana (Latvian)
    from Wikidata
    0 references
    0 references
    деривација (Serbian)
    from Wikidata
    2 references
    Користи се и термин извођење.
    სიტყვაწარმოება, დერივაცია (Georgian)
    0 references
    Ableitung (German)
    The French meaning seems to be more restricted than the German use. The definition given for French here is the one we would apply to "explizite Ableitung"; we also distinguish "implizite Ableitung" (with Ablaut) and "Konversion" (conversion without affixes) as subtypes of "derivation".
    גזירה (Hebrew)
    from Wikidata
    0 references
    اشتقاق (Arabic)
    from Wikidata
    0 references
    派生 (Simplified Chinese)
    from Wikidata
    0 references
    izpeljava (Slovenian)
    from Wikidata
    0 references
    деривация (Russian)
    0 references