Bibliographical Items


Bibliographical items on this Wikibase stem from NeoCorpus Zotero group.

Database Queries

All bibliographical items

#title: All bibliographical items

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?item ?typeLabel ?date ?itemLabel 
where { 
  ?item endp:P5 enwb:Q2; endp:P6 ?type; endp:P30 ?date.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} order by ?date

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All term-indexed bibliographical items

This query shows which NeoVoc terms are found in each article.

#title: All term-indexed bibliographical items

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?item ?itemLabel ?langLabel (group_concat(str(?lemma)) as ?terms) 
where { 
  ?item endp:P5 enwb:Q2; endp:P7 ?lang; endp:P65 [wikibase:lemma ?lemma].
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?item ?itemLabel ?langLabel ?terms order by ?langLabel

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Publication years and number of articles

#title: Publication years and # of articles
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?year (count(distinct ?item) as ?num_of_articles)
where { 
  ?item endp:P5 enwb:Q2; endp:P30 ?date.
  bind(str(YEAR(?date)) as ?year)
  # SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?year ?num_of_articles order by ?year

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Languages and number of articles

#title: Languages and # of articles
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?languageLabel (count(distinct ?item) as ?num_of_articles)
where { 
  ?item endp:P5 enwb:Q2; endp:P7 ?language.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?languageLabel ?num_of_articles order by desc(?num_of_articles)

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Bibliographical item types and number of articles

#title: Bibliographical item types

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?typeLabel (count(distinct ?item) as ?number_of_articles) 
where { 
  ?item endp:P5 enwb:Q2; endp:P6 ?type.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?typeLabel ?number_of_articles order by desc(?number_of_articles)

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Authors and number of articles

This query only considers authorships we have linked to Wikibase items describing persons (example item). The linking process is ongoing.

#title: Authors and number of articles

PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?author ?authorLabel (count(?item) as ?num_of_articles)
where { 
  ?item endp:P5 enwb:Q2.
  ?item endp:P40 ?author.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} group by ?author ?authorLabel ?num_of_articles order by desc(?num_of_articles)

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Authors with Wikidata ID (federated query)

Zotero author name literals have been reconciled against Wikidata using OpenRefine.

#title: Authors with Wikidata ID (gets orcid, viaf, birthdate and description from Wikidata)
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX wdtn: <>
PREFIX enwb: <>
PREFIX endp: <>

select ?author ?authorLabel ?wikidata ?orcid ?viaf ?birth ?desc
where { 
  ?author endp:P5 enwb:Q5; endp:P1 ?wd.
  bind (iri(concat("",?wd)) as ?wikidata)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
  SERVICE <> {
           select ?wikidata ?orcid ?viaf ?birth ?desc
           where { ?wikidata schema:description ?desc. filter(lang(?desc)="en")
                  optional {?wikidata wdt:P569 ?birth.}
                  optional {?wikidata wdtn:P496 ?orcid.} optional {?wikidata wdtn:P214 ?viaf.}
}  order by lcase(?authorLabel)

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