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14 December 2024

      00:54  troncation (Q1177)‎‎ 2 changes history +188 [Asalgado‎ (2×)]
00:54 (cur | prev) +119 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: process of reduction of a lexical unit by deleting an ending)
00:54 (cur | prev) +69 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: troncation)
      00:53  terminologisation (Q1175)‎‎ 2 changes history +187 [Asalgado‎ (2×)]
00:53 (cur | prev) +111 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: process by which a lexical unit is considered a term)
00:53 (cur | prev) +76 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: terminologisation)
      00:49  reduplication (Q1169)‎‎ 2 changes history +173 [Asalgado‎ (2×)]
00:49 (cur | prev) +101 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: process of repeating all or part of a word)
00:49 (cur | prev) +72 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: reduplication)
      00:47  occasionalism (Q1270) diffhist −1 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Changed [en] description: any word (lexeme), or any sequence of sounds or letters, created for a single occasion or utterance but not otherwise understood or recognized as a word in a given language)
      00:36  Germanism (Q1088) diffhist +6 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Changed [fr] description: characteristic feature of German occurring in another language)
      00:32  diffusion (Q1143)‎‎ 2 changes history +234 [Asalgado‎ (2×)]
00:32 (cur | prev) +167 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: process by which a new lexical unit (form or meaning) is used by ever wider circles of a language community)
00:32 (cur | prev) +67 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: diffusion)
      00:18  designation (Q1091) diffhist 0 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Changed [en] description: representation of a concept by agreed linguistic means)
      00:13  conventionnalisation (Q1285)‎‎ 2 changes history +175 [Asalgado‎ (2×)]
00:13 (cur | prev) +96 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: stage of lexicalisation of a new unit)
00:13 (cur | prev) +79 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: conventionnalisation)
      00:12  context (Q1100) diffhist 0 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Changed [en] description: linguistic, cultural and physical environment associated with a communicative event that provide resources for its appropriate interpretation)
      00:08  root (Q1131)‎‎ 2 changes history +179 [Asalgado‎ (2×)]
00:08 (cur | prev) +117 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: form of a word when affixes and prefixes have been deleted)
00:08 (cur | prev) +62 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: root)
      00:07  barbarism (Q1119) diffhist +8 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Changed [en] description: a non-standard word, expression or pronunciation in a language, sometimes derived from a word in another language, normally regarded as an error in morphology or linguistic deviation)
      00:06  attestation (Q1130)‎‎ 2 changes history +187 [Asalgado‎ (2×)]
00:06 (cur | prev) +117 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: extract from a text illustrating the use of a lexical form)
00:06 (cur | prev) +70 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: attestation)

13 December 2024

      23:54  antonomasia (Q1114) diffhist 0 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Changed [en] description: the use of a proper name to designate a member of a class (such as "a Solomon" for a wise ruler) or the use of an epithet or title in place of a proper name (such as "the Bard" for Shakespeare))
      21:33  connotation (Q1117)‎‎ 2 changes history −2 [Asalgado‎ (2×)]
21:33 (cur | prev) −1 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Changed [fr] description: ensemble de significations secondes provoquées par l'utilisation d'un matériau linguistique particulier dans un contexte donné)
21:32 (cur | prev) −1 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Changed [en] description: implicit association that a word or phrase carries, often cultural or emotional, in addition to its explicit or literal meaning)
      21:26  agglutination (Q1108) diffhist 0 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Changed [en] description: a process in which words are formed from of a sequence of morphemes, each of which represents not more than a single element of grammatical or semantic information)
      21:24  affixation (Q1110) diffhist −1 Asalgado talk contribs (‎Changed [en] description: word formation process in which an affix is associated with a stem or base form)

9 December 2024

 N    23:07  Asnaleg íslensk nýyrði? (Q1725) diffhist +9,054 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  A Civil but Untrammeled Tongue: Spontaneous Creativity in Language (Q1724) diffhist +10,248 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  A miniscule question: orthography and authority in dictionaries (Q1723) diffhist +15,075 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Af "setubingum" og "hugvitsverkfærum": Orðfæri í Ferðabók Tómasar Sæmundssonar (Q1722) diffhist +10,337 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Angleško-slovenski glosar virtualizacijske terminologije: usklajevanje tehničnega, terminološkega in organizacijskega dela (Q1721) diffhist +12,799 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Authenticating the Vocabulary: A Study in Seventeenth-Century Lexicographical Practice (Q1720) diffhist +10,640 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Between Designer Drugs and Afterburners: A Lexicographic-Semantic Study of Equivalence (Q1719) diffhist +9,993 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Den færøske modersmålsordbog - en midtvejsrapport (Q1718) diffhist +10,118 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Design and development of an adaptive web application for OLIVATERM (Q1717) diffhist +16,842 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Derivados en -oso en el Libro de agricultura de Gabriel Alonso de Herrera (Q1716) diffhist +10,087 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Dizionari a confronto. A proposito della Wortbildung nella lessicografia italiana (Q1715) diffhist +14,312 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  En ny tysk-islandsk ordbog. Metode og problemer (Q1714) diffhist +10,002 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Essays on Terminology (review) (Q1713) diffhist +8,549 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Exploring the Relationship Between Language Change and Dictionary: Compilation in the Age of the Collaborative Dictionary (Q1712) diffhist +18,840 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Från ”tandborstord” till ”memilord” – om nyord och deras belägg (Q1711) diffhist +9,739 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  From Printed Materials to Electronic Demonstrative Dictionary – the Story of the National Photocorpus of Polish and its Korean and Vietnamese Descendants (Q1710) diffhist +21,629 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Dictionaries for Lexicographers?: For Linguists? For Laymen? (Q1709) diffhist +10,113 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Dictionaries of Philosophy: A Survey and a Proposal (Q1708) diffhist +9,920 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Dicționariul Limbei Române (LM) by A. T. Laurian and I. C. Massim – the Digital Form of the First Romanian Academic Dictionary (Q1707) diffhist +20,815 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Die agtste deel van die Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (Q1706) diffhist +10,021 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:07  Halvautomatisk udvælgelse af lemmakandidater til en nyordsordbog (Q1705) diffhist +9,158 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:06  Issues and Challenges for a Modern English-Arabic Dictionary (Q1704) diffhist +10,111 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:06  Karakterisering van het Etimologiewoordeboek van Afrikaans (EWA) (Q1703) diffhist +10,156 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
 N    23:06  Language Varieties Meet One-Click Dictionary (Q1702) diffhist +23,942 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)
      23:06  Lemmatisation, etymology and information overload on English and Swedish editions of Wiktionary (Q203) diffhist +2,944 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in lt, ro, tr, uk, ru, mk, el, hu, nl, es, it, lv, sq, sr, hr, bg, and other parts)
 N    23:06  Lexical Change in Times of Upheaval and War - And the Dictionary (Q1701) diffhist +12,760 DavidLbot talk contribs (‎Created a new Item)